
Seniors Entertainment Network is an online journalism service funded by the Ontario Seniors Community Grant. Our initiative is to produce meaningful content that delivers infotainment to keep seniors healthy, safe and active.

Due to the health concern of COVID-19 and to protect the health and safety of our senior participants, filmmakers and their families, senTV has cancelled all planned activities effective Mar 13, 2020.

We have repositioned ourselves to continue producing videos at the safety of our homes, creating How-To videos and short films to engage and entertain other seniors while we do our part in Social Distancing. With our collective well-being in mind, during this crucial period, we believe outreaching to seniors who may need that connection is empowering. We have faith that the stronger the sense of connection, the more resilient the community.

Social Distancing does not mean social disconnection. We care and we would like to make a difference.

Featured senTV Filmmakers