Fitness Videos

Upper Limb Conditions - From Elbow to Wrist - Healthy Lifestyle Series (Cantonese) - Dr. Christina Choi, Chiropractor, explains to us the anatomy of the upper limbs, from the elbow to the wrist.

脾胃病 及 泌尿問題 Healthy Lifestyle Series (Cantonese) - 姚詠梅 - 註冊中醫師為我們講解如何預防及治療 1. 胃病: 如腸胃病,胃氣漲 2. 泌尿問題: 如夜尿. 還教我們用穴位幫助治療.

Last but not least, part 3 of 3 stretching exercise is here! This exercise is for the upper & lower limbs. Follow all 3 videos presented by Dr. Christina Choi, your body will love you.

SOL Stretching Exercise Session 2 - Want to strengthen muscles around abdomen, loosen fat around waist? Please follow Dr. Choi's Stretching Exercise session 2!

Stretching Exercise Session 1 - Have tight neck? Painful shoulders? Want to learn some simple yet useful stretching exercises to erase and relax neck, shoulder, upper body muscles? Exercise while watching this video will help improve your body!

中醫冬天養生 - Healthy Lifestyle Series (In Cantonese) 姚詠梅 - 註冊中醫師為我們講解冬天養生之道. 要真正了解天人合一, 就要了解天和 自然的規律. 養生之道包括衣著及飲食方面, 生活起居住行等等.

You and Your Shoulder 肩膀與你 Healthy Lifestyle Series (Cantonese) - Dr. Choi explains the anatomy of the shoulder, some common shoulder pain conditions, treatments & prevention, and exercises to alleviate the pain.

Hip Joint 髖關節 - Healthy Lifestyle Series (in Cantonese): Dr. Christina Choi explains the various causes of hip joint pain, symptoms, treatments, & exercises that may alleviate the pain.

Healthy Lifestyle Series (in Cantonese) - Heart Matters on Zoom 跟周醫生網上談心事 - Dr. Chi-Ming Chow, Cardiologist, answers to your heart related questions.

Dr. Christina Choi explains the signs of knee pain; rheumatoid/inflammatory arthritis, torn meniscus, gout, tendinitis/bursitis and osteoarthritis. Types of treatments available, foods to avoid, as well as foods to choose, if you suffer from knee pain.

Nutrition Concerns for Seniors - Healthy Lifestyle Series (In Cantonese) Pui Chi Cheng, Registered Dietitian, explains to us the various nutrition concerns for seniors and what to eat when you go for dim sum.

Healthy Lifestyle: Oral Healthcare for Seniors - Dr. Matthew Soo, DDS explains the importance of Oral Healthcare is not just for the teeth, but also includes parts of the mouth such as the lips, vestibule, mouth cavity, gums, hard and soft palate, tongue and salivary glands.

CORE Exercises Demo - Part 2 - of Lower Back Pain + CORE Exercises

Dr. Christina Choi, Doctor of Chiropractic, explains to us the causes of lower back pain, the signs and symptoms, risk factors etc. She also shows us some core exercises to strengthen the lower back.

Dr. Christina Choi, Doctor of Chiropractic, explains some common problems that cause neck pain and vertigo. She also shows us how to select a good pillow, follows with exercises for strengthening the neck and relieving pain.

Eye Health for People Over 50 - Dr. Charlene To explains 4 major eye issues affecting people over 50 - Diabetes, Cataracts, Glaucoma and Macular Degeneration. Bonus: Retinal Detachment.

Helen on Health: Astigmatism - Dr. Charlene To talks to us about Astigmatism and shows us how to read your eye prescription.

Nice Day for a Long Walk - Rogers Reservoir Conservation Area. Getting some fresh air and Vitamin D is essential to good health. Keep active and stay healthy!

People who exercise tend to have improved immune and digestive functioning, better blood pressure and bone density, lower risk of Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, osteoporosis, and certain cancers.

Trail Hiking - Forest Therapy Trail & Rouge Valley Trail. A visit to two of the popular trails in Markham, Ontario on a late fall day.

Helen on Let's Talk Health - Dr. Charlene To talks to us about the types of Cataracts, symptoms and prevention.

From travelling around the world to exercising without even realizing it, these VR programs can bring joy, provide a workout, allow visits to other parts of the world or simply bonding with loved ones.

Dr. Christina Choi shows us 10 exercises you should do daily to increase mobility and strengthen the joints.

Dr. Christina Choi continues to tell us about Osteoarthritis, the Diagnosis, Treatments and certain foods to avoid.

Dr. Christina Choi explains to us what is Osteoarthritis, the symptoms and Risk Factors.

Trail Hiking - A group of friends hiked on Patterson Tract on the Oak Ridges Moraine, Ontario Nature Trails.

Trail Hiking - An easy trail hike through Dainty Tract and Clarke Tract on the third day of Autumn.

Trail Hiking - A group of friends hiked on Porritt Tract located at Whitchurch-Stouffville, Ontario Canada on this last Thursday before summer ends.

Trail Hiking - A short visit on a weekday to two of the beautiful trails located in Markham, Ontario Canada.
Milne Dam Trail and Rouge Valley Forest Therapy Trail

Let's Talk Health Episode #4 - Helen learns Strengthening and Stretching exercises for the Lower Body from chiropractors Dr. Christina Choi and Dr. Paul Seto.

Let's Talk Health Episode #3 - Helen continues to learn from chiropractor Dr. Christina Choi - How to Avoid Poor Posture of the Lower Body.

senTV Filmmaker Stephen found a new way to keep fit during Pandemic in riding his Space Scooter.

Trail Hiking: Oak Ridges Corridor Conservation Reserve - A group of friends spent a morning hiking the Oak Ridges Corridor Conservation Reserve, an Ecological Treasure in Richmond Hill, Ontario.

Let's Talk Health: Episode #2 - Helen learns Strengthening and Stretching exercises for the Upper Body from chiropractor Dr. Christina Choi.

Let's Talk Health: Episode #1 - Helen asks the chiropractor, How to Avoid Poor Posture in your Upper Body.

Trail Hiking: Tom Taylor Trail & Tim Jones Trail - A group of friends spent a morning hiking on trails in Aurora and Newmarket South.

Two couples hiked and explored the Devil's Pulpit, Hoffman Lime Kiln Ruins, and the "Forks of the Credit" Bruce Trail in Caledon Hills.

Trail Hiking: Rouge National Urban Park - A group of friends spent a morning hiking on the Trail while enjoying the beauty of nature.

Toronto Discovery Walk - from ravine bridge trail to beach boardwalk with pristine lake shoreline, including stopovers to gardens, water fountain memorial, heritage house and historic lifeguard station. A leisure half-day walk in East end Toronto.

Even though we cannot play Pickleball together, we can still stay active and keep fit. Hope to see you in person and be able to play Pickleball soon.

A simple Yang Tai Chi 8 Form for beginners - follow the easy movements with AGOAC Tai Chi instructor Phan Ly. (in Cantonese) 太極八式

Yoga with Amy - Healthy Yoga Exercise for Everybody III by AGOAC Yoga program instructor. AGOAC 瑜伽班導師示範另一段簡單健體瑜咖III。(英語講解)

More yoga exercise (Healthy Yoga Exercise for Everybody IIB) by AGOAC Yoga program instructor. (Instruction in English) AGOAC 瑜伽班導師示範另一段簡單健體瑜咖 IIB (英語講解)。

More yoga exercise (Healthy Yoga Exercise for Everybody IIA) by AGOAC Yoga program instructor. (Instruction in English)
AGOAC 瑜伽班導師示範另一段簡單健體瑜咖 IIA (英語講解)。

Sixteen Yoga poses that are good for alleviating back pain – Part II (Poses 9 to 16).

Sixteen Yoga poses that are good for alleviating back pain – Part I (Poses 1 to 8).

AGOAC Yoga program instructor demonstrates a healthy Yoga Exercise that everybody can do at home. (In English & Cantonese) AGOAC 瑜伽班導師示範一段簡單健體瑜咖。(英/粤語)

AGOAC volunteer instructor demonstrates Wellness exercise in a series of 3 sessions. (in Cantonese) This is session 2.

Learn and enjoy Tai Chi with senTV.

AGOAC volunteer instructor demonstrates Wellness exercise in a series (in Cantonese). This is session 1B.

AGOAC volunteer instructor demonstrates Wellness exercise in a series of 3 sessions. (in Cantonese) This is session 1A.